Tuesday, 23 October 2012

'You saand like you iz from Lannndannn'

.. That's what I heard today about 5 mins before I sat my drivers permit test..

Thank you Russel Brand for that gem.

It was quite funny actually, a huge, black american dude putting on a (terrible) 'English' accent, presumably to make me feel at home! 

More importantly, I passed the theory and got my permit! I had to wait in a setting disconcertingly similar to the visa building debacle in London, but it was worth it - woooo! 
So I have my 1st driving lessons tomorrow. Blaeguuhhhg hfsdfhipsfhonsn I'm scaredddd.
But I shall man up & power through. 

Tonight I went to Target, and found, to my surprise, a whole Boots aisle. It made me feel right at home, who knew that little blue symbol could mean so much.

Speaking of, my host dad bought me Ribena, as a 'home comfort'. Ribena?! Don't they have that everywhere?! 
Then I saw the label - 'Made with British Blackberries' - Who. Knew. Perhaps everyone, but I've never noticed/read/cared about that little label before.  
Vimto too, as if Americans don't have Vimto in their lives, EVERYONE needs Vimto in their life. 

And do not even get me started on digestives. And hob nobs. Seriously.

Anyway. Loving life, 2nd day of proper work tomorrow, there's lots to do, but it's all about routine I guess. I got this y'all
Lots of love to good ole En-ger-land!! 

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